Loving the fifties china in this one...
This one was a cut above with a giant champagne glass and ice bucket and yes - you can see goldfish in the glass!
Some folk go to all lengths to impress so we followed the instrucion to look up (note the tassels around the ceiling!)...
to find a modern take on the Sistine Chapel dotted with tiny little lights in the roof!
But this one was pretty impressive with its sink and cooker in a slide out unit at the back where you could keep dry by standing under the boot lid!
I've been off work so managed to find a few goodies - these from the 20p shop! This is a basement in a very run down record shop but I keep going back and finding something else that grabs me.
This week some clean copies of Practical Householder. My mum remember this magazine - these copies are from the late fifties.
I love the front covers in particular and thought there might be some interesting adverts inside.
I didn't find much to grab me with the adverts but started to read the articles to see what I could learn. I couldn't believe some of the suggestions -
What about making your own lightbulbs by switching them on and dunking them in paint? Yep that's a good idea! Health and safety conspicuous by their absence in the fifties!
Having just paid £10.95 to have my boots re-heeled I wish I'd read this last week!
Make your own ironing board! Well it would certainly be greener and more environmentally sustainable...
Waming the soil - well that's going to be really useful this winter...
But I thought this was brilliant - make your own electric blanket. So does anyone have 85 feet of wire they can let me have to stitch to one of my old blankets please? Its getting a little chilly round here.
Have a good week!
Love Wend