Happy New Year - a little late in the day!
Christmas and New Year have raced by with lots of time with Niobe back home from Exeter. It's been lovely to have her back for 3 weeks but she is now back to exams.
Over the festive period it has also been my birthday and there has been a favourite theme amongst my nearest and dearest ...
books ...
and more books
Having discovered the ebay wish list and heavily populated it with King Penguin books I was delighted to receive several to add to my collection.
I love the covers of these books and the fact that they were produced over 50 years ago. I'm looking forward to checking out the carvings at Exeter Cathedral when I visit Niobe sometime.
This 1950s prints book is great for me to research my fabric finds and I was thrilled to find that some of those I have picked up in charity shops are in this book! Good to find that my instincts can (generally!) be trusted.
I had been intrigued by the title of this book when I had spotted it on line months ago but had forgotten all about it. I'm tempted to leave it out permanently or to frame this quote from the front cover. It says it all for me. Apologies to all those who are tidy and organised but this book validates my way of life totally!
With chapters such as
I have the perfect excuse to head off to the car boot in search of more treasures!
Hope you are all enjoying this mild weather!